
Showing posts from March, 2018

51 - Final Ancillary Task 1

May 03, 2018 51 FINAL ANCILLARY TASK 1 This is our final ancillary task 1. the order goes from front, back, inside left and inside right. the front and back cover are one image spread over the case. this inside left is a close up of wes, this may also be on the cover of a booklet about him. the inside right are a close up of wes' trainers further helping to make it personal to him.

Notes on discussing the representation of youth in contemporary film and television

Argument 1 - Youth are often represented in accordance or hegemonic notions of adolescence.  Theory - Gramsci Theory - He developed a concept of cultural hegemony , meaning that social class (meaning middle class) dominate in society by normal, natural and common sense.  Social class is just accepted, working class accept oppression in todays society, as it is shown in the media, in films and TV shows. An example of this is Mia in Fishtank   she is working class and accepts that as she acts like a 'typical estate girl' which could give the representation to other working class girls who live on an estate like in the film, that thats the correct way to act, which in reality it is not. It can also be linked to The Cultivation Theory which states that if all these young people are watching and consuming this TV and Film then they are more likely to believe that it is reality. The media usually portrays working class as oppressed by a hegemonic...

50 - Feedback on rough cut

We asked 7 people what they thought of our rough cut video and how they think we can improve it and what is good about it. We asked 4 people in person and the rest over messenger/email Person 1 - They said that they thought the type of music video that it is that the studio bits worked really well and liked the black and white as it made a clear difference between the studio and the city parts. To improve they said that we needed to make the lip syncing a bit more lined up. Person 2- Really liked the concept of the music video and thought it complemented the song choice very well however they thought that we needed to not spend as much time focused in the studio but have more shots of the city parts and the girls swell. Person 3- Really enjoyed the song choice and the black and white concept however they did not understand why for the genre of song it was why the music video was based on 3 girls when stereotypically it should be focused on the rapper and what the rapper does. ...

49 - Rough Cut

ROUGH CUT This is our rough cut of our music video of Unity by Wes.  We still need to improve this by cutting out some of the scenes where people are smoking as it does not look very professional. We also need to make the lip syncing match up more and we need to put some of the footage in to slow motion to make it look more effective.